Snow Removal Service

Snow Removal Service

We offer shoveling and snowblowing, not plowing. We will visit throughout storms to keep walkways and driveways clear. We do not require contracts. We will call the day before a storm to verify your needs. If it's not expected to be much of a storm, and you don't need us, that's fine! We will still call you before the next storm to see if you are going to need a hand or not! We offer competitive rates for commercial and private properties, as well as multiple payment schedules(i.e., per storm, Monthly, ect.). We do offer contracts as well, we just don't require you to enter into one to obtain our services. WE OFFER EMERGENCY SERVICES AT A DIFFERENT RATE AND YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. MOST EMERGENCY CALLS WILL HAVE HELP TO YOU WITHIN AN HOUR!

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